Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sylvia Smith - Chicken Picatta lab

 Reflection on Lab:
  • What went well? ~ I think we worked well as a team and was able to make the dish and get out jobs done from the job wheel. 
  • Improvements?~ I think something we could have improved on was Time management . Individually we are good and on normal cooking days we are good but maybe it was because it was little more stressful that we got in over our heads and was a little too slow . 
  • Moist, Dry , Combination cooking?~ We cooked the Angle hair pasta in boiling water , and we pan fried the chicken as well as made the sauce in a sauté pan. 
  • How did the sauce enhance the dish~ The sauce is what really made the dish, it was the lemony flavor that enhanced the pasta and chicken and really combined the dish. 
  • Herbs and spices ?~ The herbs and spices were part of the source and really combined flavors well to make a great tasting sauce . Because we gave them time to cook and let the flavors in the chicken and pasta cook together .
  • Cooking altering food ?~ When making the sauce after cooking it for a couple minutes it stared to get thicker from the flour and broth together .
  • The final dish sensory evolution was ; it looked good the chicken could have been cooked better but when the sauce was placed on top of the chicken and pasta with some parsley sprinkled on top it looked okay. It had nice flavoring and everything was cooked fully . It smelled good too the spices off the chicken and the lemon flavor. 
  • Overall thoughts : Durring this lab I used everything I've learned from this class to cook this dish, down too making sure you don't burn the garlic and having to keep a close eye on it . Making sure the chicken was 165 degrees internal temp. And cooking the pasta just the right amount of time. Also to be very careful with what we touch and making sure we didn't cross contaminate. And then planting making sure it was neat. 
  • I will use all of what I've leaned from this class in basic everyday cooking and when I do choose to cook big meals. Because it was good skills to know how to cook chicken and not burn it . I know that when I'm older and out of the house that I'll remember how to make a sauce and keep my cooking efficient by mis en place . Overall I've learned a lot even if I need more practice . 

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