Thursday, March 16, 2017

Anna Roberds Chicken Picatta

With only having 2 people, we seemed to manage our time and mis en place well. We could have worked on reading instructions more carefully and washing our hands more after touching raw chicken. The moist heat method that we used was boiling. We demonstrated proper methodology by making sure the water was rapidly boiling before putting the pasta in. The dry heat method that we used was pan-frying. We demonstrated proper methodology by heating oil in the pan and then putting the chicken on, and cooking to 165 degrees. The sauce enhanced the taste of the dish because it was made from the juices of other things in the dish. It also added a creamy texture to go along with the noodles. We used parsley in the sauce to add taste but at the end we also used parsley on top as a garnish, to add color. Cooking altered the pasta we were cooking because it went from being hard to being soft and stringy. Also, cooking the garlic allowed the flavors to come out to the point where you could smell it and definitely taste it.

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