Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hamza A

1: We all worked together good, and we ended up having one of the best sauces in the class. We couldve cooked the chicken a little later so it could've stayed warm.
2. During the lab we pan fried and sautéed. We demonstrated it properly by frying the chicken to a crisp brown. Also we browned mushrooms.
3. The sauce mainly just added a nice warm and tasty feel to it.
4. We mainly used pepper on the chicken it added juicy flavors in it.
5. The ingredients did not change during the process 
6. We ended up with crisp brown chicken, pasta, parsley, mushrooms, capers. The chicken was full of flavor and juicy. The pasta was very tasty and buttery 
7. I use this by me knowing what to do in the kitchen at home. I know what is safe and what is not. 

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