Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Natalie Housley

  • What went well and what could you have improved on?
    • We did well with the time management of the lab, considering we only had two people. We could have done better with the ingredients we used. There was a little too much lemon for the amount of chicken we had. Also, because we had only two people, other people took over our job duties, and I wish that we could have helped them.
  • What moist, dry heat, and combination cooking methods did you use during the lab? How did you demonstrate proper methods for each technique?
    • Moist: Boiling the noodles
    • Dry: Sauteing the chicken
    • Combination: Making the sauce in the pan
  • How did the sauce enhance the taste of the dish?
    • Instead of being slightly salted and peppered, the sauce had lemon and capers to make it taste better.
  • How did you use herbs or spices to enhance your final product?
    • The parsley put in the sauce, although faint, did add some flavor to the sauce.
  • How did cooking alter or change the ingredients you were cooking with?
    • The sauce had to thicken with the flour that was added along with just waiting. 
  • Describe your sensory evaluation of the final product.
    • I found the dish to be a bit bitter and have too much lemon. I also don't like capers at all, so while it looked very pretty, I didn't very much like the flavor.
  • How did you use what we have learned throughout this unit so far in this lab? How will you use what you have learned outside of school?
    • I knew what I had to cook the chicken too, I knew how to heat up the pan for sauteing, and I knew how to dredge the chicken. I would definitely use this outside of school because I love cooking with my little sisters and showing them what I learned at school.

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