Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Chicken Piccata Lab- Isabella P.

Isabella Park

                                                         CHICKEN PICATTA LAB
  • What went well, and what could you have improved on
           - What went well when doing the Chicken Piccata lab was working together as a team and using communication. What also went well was dividing up the jobs and completing/ cooking the dish overall. What we could have improved on is managing our time better and thickening our sauce (which failed due to our time availability). 
  • What moist heat, dry heat, and combination cooking methods did you use during the lab? How did you demonstrate proper methodology for each technique?
           -  One of the moist hear methods that we used during this lab was simmering. We simmered the sauce when trying to thicken it up. One of the dry heat techniques that we used in the lab was sautéing and Pan-frying. We sautéed the mushrooms to make it brown and tender, and then we pan fried the chicken in order to cook it.  This is how i used proper methodology for each technique. 
  • How did the sauce enhance the taste of the dish
            - The sauce enhanced the taste of the dish by giving it a more savory, salty flavor that accented the pasta really well. 
  • How did you use herbs and spices to enhance your final project?
          - I used Herbs and spices as a garnish on top to make it look more attractive. 
  • How did cooking alter or change the ingredients you were cooking with?
       - Cooking altered the color, texture and taste of the chicken, mushrooms, and garlic. It cooked them and made them more brown and tender. 
  • Describe your sensory evaluation of the final project
         - The Sensory Evaluation of the final project included brown chicken and mushrooms, yellow pasta, green parsley, and beige sauce. The chicken felt tender yet moist, the mushrooms felt squishy yet tender as well, the noodles were soft and wet, the parsley was thin and soft, and the sauce was liquid and transparent. The chicken tasted salty, flavorful, grimy and savory. But, the mushrooms tasted different, and savory and the noodles tasted bland yet flavorful due to the salty, chicken-like, lemony sauce. The sauce smelt sour from the lemons yet the whole meal itself was emitting a strong, chicken, savory smell. 
  • How did you use what we have learned throughout this unit so far in this lab? How will you use what you have learned outside of school?
- I used what we learned in this unit to help make our sauce successfully and used my knowledge to know what degrees chicken should be at in order to prevent it from becoming pink inside and raw. I will use what i have learned outside of school, to help prevent food borne illnesses and contamination. Doing this will help me become a better chef whether its at my house or somewhere else. 

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