Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jean Liranzo, 3~16~17
 Group 2: Jean, Ashlyn, Haley, Denzel

Chicken Picatta

       In our lab the thing that I feel went well was our team work and communication. We all played a part in the lab and helped each other. Also we followed the recipe well and read through everything before starting the lab. Our group could improve with putting more effort and focus on how we do individual parts of the recipe and not doing it so sloppy, but in a more professional manner. Me personally, I feel I'm a strong worker and ask a lot of questions that could help make the recipe better or ensure I'm doing it correctly. I can definitely improve with being so demanding and bossy, instead I should be more of a team player instead of taking over all the time.

Cooking Methods
       The methods our group used in this lab are dry heat and moist heat. We used the dry cooking methods sautéing and pan frying, we started by pan-frying our seasoned butterfly cut chicken and then we sautéed our mushrooms along with broth-flour mix, lemon juice, and salt. For moist cooking methods we used boiling by placing a stock pot with water on high heat and allowing the water to rapidly bubble then we placed our angel hair pasta in until it was completely soft.

        The sauce enhance the recipe by bringing the flavor and aroma that the dish needed. The lemon juice, capers, and salt in the sauce added a citrus and tangy flavor that definitely added dimension to the dish, while the parsley added some freshness. The broth-flour mixture acted as the roux for the sauce which thickened it and added density.
         We used pepper and salt as our main spices they are traditional and have a basic but add welcoming taste since they are used often. The parsley was our herb and we didn't really use it to it's fullest because we didn't use it to garnish our dish, although we did use lemon wheels to garnish.

       Many ingredients were altered in this lab such as the spaghetti they changed from solid and brittle state to soft and flimsy. The mushrooms shrunk in size and became flatter. The color of the chicken went from pink to brown, the parsley turned to a darker green and all other ingredients mixed together and became more hidden in sight but became stronger in taste and aroma.

Sensory Evaluation
      The overall evaluation of this dish was great. The taste of the chicken and pasta along with the sauce was amazing and you could taste each individual ingredient. The smell of it was really aromatic specially the chicken and sauce. The overall look of the dish it could've been cleaned up some but still appealing to the eye.

Learning Experience
         We used things we've learned this semester and last like cooking methods, cutting methods, teamwork, important words to use in the kitchen while handling hazardous tools and to enjoy the overall experience of cooking. I will use this outside of school by working along with others because of the good traits the class has allowed me to learn and by being able to cook things aside by cooking them in a microwave oven.



Denzel Jacobson

Chicken lab

1:The chicken itself was great but the noodles were kinda dry and plain. I could have done better on communicating with my group because there were parts where I feel like we shoulda have done differently.
2:we boiled seared and sated
3: the sauce made the noodles have flavor and also gave a different texture to the food
4: we added basil and lemon ass garnish and to add flavor
5: adding thickeners to to the food made it come out better
6: I used my knife skills to slice and dice the lemons

chicken piccata thing. Ben Gray

Ben Gray

1. I think getting the lab prepared and having everything ready up until we cooked the chicken went phenomenal. We all could really improve on knowing how to cook chicken better.

2. well we used pan frying for the chicken and we dredged the chicken before we pan fried it.

3. I think it made the dish have amore savory flavor.

4. I used Cajun spice for my chicken and garlic powder and cayenne pepper as well to give it some spice.

5. Cooking altered it into a chicken piccata.

6. my sensory evaluation would be a rich flavor with a little bit of spice too it.

7. I will use what I have learned by making recipes like this outside of class.
Josiah Robinson

1. Everything in the process of actually cooking the lab went well but we could have made the sauce better.
2. The sauce was a moist heat cooking method. We sauteed the chicken which is dry heat. We demonstrated them by doing exactly what it said on the recipe sheet.
3. The sauce enhanced the flavor of the dish by adding a fresh, citrusy taste.
4. We used herbs to garnish the dish.
5. Cooking alternated the taste of the foods  was cooking with by adding a greasy flavor.
6. I think our dish was very eye appealing because of the brownish orange sauce also because of the brown mushrooms.
7. I used what I learned to interpret how the food should be cooked and how it is safe for me to eat. I can use this knowledge on how to cook using different methods later in my life.

Sylvia Smith - Chicken Picatta lab

 Reflection on Lab:
  • What went well? ~ I think we worked well as a team and was able to make the dish and get out jobs done from the job wheel. 
  • Improvements?~ I think something we could have improved on was Time management . Individually we are good and on normal cooking days we are good but maybe it was because it was little more stressful that we got in over our heads and was a little too slow . 
  • Moist, Dry , Combination cooking?~ We cooked the Angle hair pasta in boiling water , and we pan fried the chicken as well as made the sauce in a sauté pan. 
  • How did the sauce enhance the dish~ The sauce is what really made the dish, it was the lemony flavor that enhanced the pasta and chicken and really combined the dish. 
  • Herbs and spices ?~ The herbs and spices were part of the source and really combined flavors well to make a great tasting sauce . Because we gave them time to cook and let the flavors in the chicken and pasta cook together .
  • Cooking altering food ?~ When making the sauce after cooking it for a couple minutes it stared to get thicker from the flour and broth together .
  • The final dish sensory evolution was ; it looked good the chicken could have been cooked better but when the sauce was placed on top of the chicken and pasta with some parsley sprinkled on top it looked okay. It had nice flavoring and everything was cooked fully . It smelled good too the spices off the chicken and the lemon flavor. 
  • Overall thoughts : Durring this lab I used everything I've learned from this class to cook this dish, down too making sure you don't burn the garlic and having to keep a close eye on it . Making sure the chicken was 165 degrees internal temp. And cooking the pasta just the right amount of time. Also to be very careful with what we touch and making sure we didn't cross contaminate. And then planting making sure it was neat. 
  • I will use all of what I've leaned from this class in basic everyday cooking and when I do choose to cook big meals. Because it was good skills to know how to cook chicken and not burn it . I know that when I'm older and out of the house that I'll remember how to make a sauce and keep my cooking efficient by mis en place . Overall I've learned a lot even if I need more practice . 

Laura Rabb- Chicken Picatta Lab Reflection

1) I think that with our group only being Anna and I, we did well. We definitely could have done better with our time management with Mikaela being here, but I think we did well for what we had.
2)We boiled our pasta, which is a moist heat method, and we pan-fried our chicken.
3)It made it creamier and it also added a lot of flavor, as well as color that was from the parsley.
4)We used parsley to enhance the flavor of the pasta and chicken, it also added color next to the boring colors of the chicken and the pasta.
5) When we boiled the pasta it changed the color and the way it looked. The color turned more of a brighter color and then the way it looked went from looking like a rough and hard to warm and squishy. It also changed the chicken from being weird looking to yum and good looking.
6) The final product tasted really good, the parley brought out a different flavor than the chicken and pasta which was good. The smell of the sauce was also something that really benefited the dish. The lemon juice also brought out a new smell to the chicken and pasta.
7)I used my knowledge of dry and moist heat cooking methods to know how to cook which ingredient in our dish. I also used my knowledge of herbs and spices to know when to add the herbs in the dish.

Chicken Picatta Lab

Chicken Picatta Lab

     The lab was going pretty well until we started cooking the chicken because it was cooking really slow and was sticking to the pan really badly. All of us started to get frustrated and started to rush everything which wasn't good. We didn't have time to plate the food, sadly. I feel like we should have timed things better, we wouldn't have been rushing as much. For the lab, we pan fried, boiled, and for the sauce, I'm guessing we simmered it. For the pan fry, we put a little amount of oil, but just enought to let it cook. For the boiling, we let the water get to a boil, turned it on low, then added the noodles. The sauce enhanced the dish by adding a taste of lemon, along with garlic.We added parsley, salt, and pepper to help enhance it too. Cooking altered our indgredients by creating a different texture and bringing out more of a flovoring taste. My sensory evaluation was a dry(ish) texture, a garlic(y) aroma, along with a savory taste with a hint of lemon. I used what we have learned by performing the techniques as perfect as possible to bring out the best outcome. I will use this out of school by cooking the best meals for my family.

By: Caitlin Cundieff